Tickell News

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Back in the Saddle Again

Basically I will be posting some pictures from the last few months so iniatially I'm just posting the related text. Blake won the Reflections video competition in his age group for Ventura county thats the county we live in north of LA. There was an award ceremony where he was presented with a certificate and plaque. We later went out to dinner to celebrate.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Firstly Happy Birthday Mom and Grandma in England. I sent an email separately.

We are takeing a break in Big Bear, a mountain resort with snow and sledding. We are haveing a good time.

Here are a few pics from the trip.

Tomorrow we are going to try snowboarding.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Blakes "Sweet Dreams" Video

In its online debut, Blakes School project he directed, shot and edited.

More Pictures field Trip

It so happened by chance Blake and I were wareing almost identical but opposite jackets. I blue with 2 orange stripes, Blake Orange with 2 Blue.

Island of the Blue Dolphins Trip

Just a few weeks ago I went on Blakes School field trip. The subject was to investigate the various survival tools a female native american resorted to when stranded on an island, Robinson Crusoe style, for about 20 years. They showed how they made string from yucca and canoe (over time)and making fire with sticks. Teachers and parents read native indian stories to the children at rotating camps on the beach.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Bird Sunshine Update

It was a sad day last Friday. Our bird Sunshine suddenly got a lot worse and had to be put to sleep. Wendy brought her home and she and Blake buried her in the garden.

It was very hard Friday night. I, Mark was at work. Wendy is still pretty upset on and off.

On the positive side we really enjoyed her as a pet and feel she has moved on to another more evolved life.

that's it for now...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

September News

So lead story, Sunshine our bird was taken sick. She has had a problem with her weight, too thin, since the beginning. Somehow she was starving while still eating.

She was at a Bird vets for 5 days, it looks as though she may make it. She is home now and taking medication, possibly for liver failure or such.

So that's the big story for now.

Love Mark & family.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Blake & Friend Sasha

We got some not so good news, that Blake's best friend Sasha, is moving to Philadelphia. Sasha slept over Tuesday night, there was gameing and we went out and the boys had ice cream.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

More News and Pictures Soon

Ok so if anyone is paying attention out there. I have been trying to get my gear in order at home. We have had a lot of equipment failure and rebootings. The video projector blew up since I got back from England to add to the stuff to get fixed. My mac laptop where i used to keep all our photos together is slowly dying and iphoto lost all my photos. Well there there somewhere in thousands of folders.

I tried to move over to PC but that one even though its new has had to have XP reinstalled, and lots of stuff now has to be reinstalled and its still has issues. I'm going to have to get a new mac laptop fairly soon but we need more cash and I'm hopeing they will redesign it a little first since the current silver design is getting a little old.

So look forward to pics soon.

Hope all is well Mark