Tickell News

Saturday, August 19, 2006

More News and Pictures Soon

Ok so if anyone is paying attention out there. I have been trying to get my gear in order at home. We have had a lot of equipment failure and rebootings. The video projector blew up since I got back from England to add to the stuff to get fixed. My mac laptop where i used to keep all our photos together is slowly dying and iphoto lost all my photos. Well there there somewhere in thousands of folders.

I tried to move over to PC but that one even though its new has had to have XP reinstalled, and lots of stuff now has to be reinstalled and its still has issues. I'm going to have to get a new mac laptop fairly soon but we need more cash and I'm hopeing they will redesign it a little first since the current silver design is getting a little old.

So look forward to pics soon.

Hope all is well Mark


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